Thursday, July 12, 2012

Lennox- another life lost to ingnorance

  My heart broke in to a million pieces yesterday when I learned that another innocent life had been take by Breed Specific Legislation. Two years ago, a black bulldog mix named Lennox was seized from his family by the city of Belfast for simply looking like a pitbull. For two years, Lennox had sat alone in a cage on a cold cement floor, away from the family who loved him dearly, not because he hurt someone or did anything wrong but instead because of the way he looked. Sadly, Lennox is not the first dog who has fell victim to this  horrific legislation thousands of pitbulls die everyday because they are the most misunderstood breed of dog in the world.

  These dogs are being killed by a bunch of lawmakers and politicians who have probably never been around a pitbull in their life. In fact, I know they probably haven't because if the people who made these decisions had to first spend a week, hell just a day with a pitbull then BSL would not even exsist. Instead of assuming all pitbulls are dangerous and killing them in masses, why not do something to the pieces of shit who are breeding them, beating them, fighting them and starving them? 

  I am so passionate about this breed because my own fur baby is a pitbull. He is everything I could ever ask for in a dog and more. However, because he is a pitbull and our society seems to feel instead of a dog at the end of the leash he is an 80 lbs serial killer I have to hold him and myself at a completely different standard. I make sure he is always an advocate for the breed.  In the past 8 years I have been surrounded by hundreds of pitbulls and not once have I ever seen this monster that the media portrays. Never once have I ever felt threatened in anyway by a pitbull. In fact, only once, has Bucky ever been in a fight with another dog. He was sitting in my lap at my Aunts house when her German Shepard broke loose and came after me. Bucky stood his ground, protecting me and as soon as I yelled for him to stop he submitted and the other dog had to be pulled off of him by two grown men. It was not my pitbull who would not let go of the other dog, it was my pitbull who was the one injured. I bet if I had started that story a little differently most people would have automatically assumed Bucky started the fight and that the other dog was torn to a million pieces. Everybody knows what assumptions do.
  I am also not saying that a pitbull has never hurt someone. I do know that any pitbull attack that has happened where I live has happened because of neglect and abuse. Sadly, dog attacks happen every day. It is only pitbulls that make the news and half the time the dogs they are calling pitbulls are not even pits.

   I want to make sure that long after Bucky has passed that I can still have pitbulls in my home. I want my kids and grandkids to be able to experience all that this breed has to offer. This is why all pitbull lovers have to unite and fight for our babies because if we don't it could be our doors that our being knocked on next and our babies who being killed simply because of a false identity given to them by an ignorant world.