It was the first day of the sixth month of the year as I trembled there in fear, a car pulled up and I found hope did my family come back for me were they really here? I jumped up from under the porch, my eight puppies left all in a bunch. I ran to greet my family but stopped short in my tracks, who were these two strangers of whom I had never seen. I barked and growled and showed my teeth I had my puppies to protect I had to be mean. These girls were different though, they weren't scared of me, "Look how skinny she is said one, she's terrified said they other." One was scared to come near me but not the other, neither knowing at the time that she would become my mother. They came to me on the first day of the sixth month and not a moment to soon, so they called me June. They earned my trust so quickly, these kind and gentle strangers, they trusted me too as they saw I was no danger. I was skin and bones and covered in infection, I was flea bitten and half my hair was missing but my mother to be didnt care as I sat there in her lap taking in all this love, these were my Guardian Angels sent to me from above. One took care of me while the other found my puppies, she checked them over one by one and when she finished counting with eight, "she looked at me and said these puppies are perfect, June you've done great!" I wagged my tail a little, proud of all I'd done but deep inside my heart hurt, for the family who left me, I must not have been so great. I must not have been good or they would not have left me to this fate. My new friends left me that night and I did not understand why, I had been good I had shown love I really did try. I know now my friends had left a note for someone to pick me up. It read; "Please be kind for this dog is scared. We found her yesterday and not a moment to soon so we call her June." I waited all day and no one came, finally around 5:00 I heard that car again. I jumped up and saw my friends they had come to check on me. I heard one of them say, "Hey sweet June Animal Control did not come I see, well this is your lucky day you're coming with me." They loaded my puppies and I in the back of truck. I knew deep down that I had struck Luck. Our first stop was a shelter where they took me in, they lady saw my puppies and with a look sad and deep, said" I am sorry we are full and these animals are to young we have no choice, they will be put to sleep." My friend looked at me and said "Oh no, sweet girl, that will not be your fate, you and your puppies are going with me I am your new family."

My new Mommy lived in a two bedroom apartment with two fur kids of her own, even though she wanted me she could not take me home. I saw her make a phone call and heard a few "pleases and I promise she is good" and at last I heard a "Thank You, when it comes to boyfriends you're the best!" Looking back on it now I am sure my Mommy was putting my Daddy through a test. My mommy loaded me and my puppies back up and away we went. A few minutes later we stopped at building, where a man I had never seen came out to meet me. He was a gentle soul, I knew it from the start and from the very beginning I stole his heart. That night, for the first time in forever, I had a roof over my head, plenty to eat and the most wonderful place to sleep. I was in a new place and my new mommy and daddy did not want to leave me there alone so they stayed there too with me, their sweet June. I wanted to show my gratitude, so I brought my puppies one by one and laid them where new family slept. My mommy could not believe this sweet gesture and silently she wept. My mommy and daddy took care of me and my eight puppies as if we were their own. They took me to the vet and got me all fixed up and even went through a rescue and found homes for all my pups. I even heard recently that one is magazines, I cant quite remember but I am pretty sure she looked like me. My new family tells me often, they know at some point I had another family who loved me and took care of me. They say I am to smart to have learned all of the things I know on my own. I sit and stay, I shake and lay, I never ever jump on company and I've never had an accident in the house. I even help mom and daddy train new rescues they find just like me, I am working with a puppy now who was in a situation a lot like me, beaten and broken, lonely and confused but I tell her everyday Mommy and Daddy will never let that happen again as long as she stays under their roof, trust me I am living proof. As I lay here at my Mommy's feet, her eyes are filled with tears. She often thinks about my life, what did I go through in my earlier years. I nuzzle her eyes to dry her tears, I know it is because of her I will get to live out the rest of my years. I had a name before, but I do not quite remember, for on that first day of the 6th month of the year, my life was saved by a forever family of my own, they came not a moment to soon and THEY CALL ME JUNE.

This is my puppy Lily, the one in Magazines

My brother and sister!
I guess daddy passed the test because Mommy married him! This is our family picture!