Bucky came in to my life four years ago and it is probably safe to say he saved my life. I was a senior in college at Belhaven University. I played softball and had great friends but I was not happy. I was struggling with finding my identity and what I wanted to do in life. I had become obsessive about food and exercise in a matter of a few months I and had gone from a healthy 145lb college athlete to a 115lbs college athlete who had no energy and only one goal, to lose more weight. I was hiding my struggles from my family and friends and although they showed concerns I always found ways to cover myself. I was at my lowest point in March of 2008 and thats when Bucky came into my life, just in the brink of time. I had been looking for a dog and had been to the shelter many times and my friend Hoot had been sending me pictures of pitbull puppies (the breed I had wanted ever since I fell in love with her families pitbulls 3 years earlier), however, none of them clicked. Well, one day I recieved a text message from Hoot and when I opened it I knew those big brown eyes looking back at me were meant to be in my life. Bucky also shared the same birthday as my Mamaw (November 25th, so that also meant he had to be awesome). A few weeks later Hoot made the 9 hour drive from Tennessee to Jackson, Mississippi with my new best friend in tow. It was love at first site. Bucky even peed on my foot the first time he met me. I like to think it was his way of saying, "yes, you are my mommy!"
If there is one thing I can say about Bucky it is that he is full and I mean full of love and he makes everyone he meets laugh. He has the biggest smile and a toungue so long it hangs out of the side of his mouth half the time and he can shake his tail harder than any dog I know. He will leave you with bruises.
Anyone who knows me knows about Bucky. He is my best friend. In four years Bucky has been the most constant thing in my life. He has watched me graduate college. He has moved with me to Tennessee, watched me get a big girl job. Watched me date numerous guys and caught my tears through heartbreaks. He has been with me as I fell in love and even smiled big for the camera in our engagement pictures and even though I am married now, when the lights go out and it is time for bed he still jumps on my side of the bed, paws at the covers until I lift them up, then gets under them and lays against me and falls asleep just like he has done ever since that first night four years ago in March. Bucky will only be 5 this year and I have told him he has to live to at least be 16 so we still have a long rode left together. I know that no matter where life takes me Bucky will always be along for the ride because quite frankly neither one of us would have it any other way.
Bucky and his best friend Ollie
Buck and Ollie today
Engagement Pictures
He is a frequent traveler so he needs his Shades
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